Friday, November 14, 2008


I would recommend that this research is not really something you should explore into. Its mostly because its not a solid answer your going to get, its not something based on fact. Its the controlled experiments. You don't know how they have been living, or what language they speak the most. Its mostly based on that. so your wouldn't have a clue as to what sets off the language they like to or are use to s[peaking the most. But it may be something you would want to look into is you are probably very interested in this kind of research.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

secondary reasurch sorce

i read bout a boy that was mexican who knew spanish, and was talking bout scientist that have diveloped technoligy that can read a persons brain and see what languages they know, and what they speak. he was also talking bout how they count read their inds and coouldnt see what they were thinking in and what language they were thinking in. iots something uknown, unexpected to hear/see in the person. basicly to say, my reasults wont have a solid answer, its not a yes or no question, it has to do with the person. Where and how they grew up speaking a cretin language. This makes me interested in my data and makes me wonder how these kids grew up.

primry reasurch data

I questioned 10 random people at Decatur High School

1) What is your first language?

2) What language are your thoughts in?


3) How do u speek at home with your family? (what language?)


4) Have you ever wanted to say something in english, but blurted it out in your first language?


5) Do you find it hard to talk in english all the time now?

I asked these people these questions on a sheet of paper.!

interpretation of data conclusions

All the kids have their own lanuge in thoughts, some are in english and some in toher languages. its not based on the languge they forst learned. its proby what they use the most and what they usae more fluently/frequently then the other language. Like do they speak it more @ home? this was quit an interesting project.


This makes me think that other people have their own way of thiinking in other sertin languages, and maybe its how long they have known that language and how much they use that language. its not 1 basic fact of, "oh their first langue is what they think in their head, but it is what they are more known to use more offten and officently." I enjoyed doing reasurch on this project, it was pritty cool seeing who all i know who's first language was something other then english. this was also quit interesting to me.